General Dentistry
Esquimalt Dental is a quaint dental office. We provide a full range of general and cosmetic dental treatment. We will help you to achieve and maintain good dental health through regular checkups and cleanings and by educating you on your own daily care. Preventive dentistry is our goal for every patient.
Our office will only take x-rays if there is a need for them and they may or may not be taken at every checkup. X-rays can show:
- Cavities between teeth, under the gums and around old fillings.
- Bone loss caused by gum disease
- Teeth that are trapped (or impacted) in the gums
- Infections at the roots of teeth with deep cavities.

Bonded Resin Fillings
Bonded composite (white) fillings have been used for many years however their chemical make-up and the bonding agents used today have improved drastically. They are being used to close undesirable spaces, improve the shape, size and color of a tooth, replace an unsightly silver amalgam restoration, cover abraded or worn areas of a tooth (usually at the gum line) and to cover stains. Composites can also be used to repair and strengthen broken teeth.
These fillings require more time than the silver fillings because of the number of technique sensitive steps involved. Composite or “white” fillings are much more conservative. Less of your natural tooth structure will need to be removed. They are chemically bonded to the remaining tooth holding it together rather than simply filling the space as the amalgam filling does which results in a stronger tooth that looks great! They have a much more natural and aesthetic appearance.
Amalgam Fillings
Amalgam or mercury fillings have been used as a main filling material for decades and there was a time when it was the best material dentists had to restore teeth with. Although the issue over the use and safety of amalgam in the dental office is not clear and is still being debated. Dr. Raj and the Lake Dental Health Centre no longer use it or recommend it when the placement of a new filling is needed.
Sports Guards
In some sports, injury prevention, through properly fitted mouth guards are considered essential. These are the contact sports of football, boxing, martial arts and hockey. Other sports, traditionally classified as non contact sports, basketball, baseball, bicycle riding, roller blading, soccer, wrestling, racquetball, surfing and skateboarding also require properly fitted mouthguards, as dental injuries unfortunately, are a negative aspect of participation in these sports.
Whitening or Bleaching is a cosmetic procedure to lighten the colour of your teeth and completely harmless. In the office the assistant will take impressions of the teeth and make flexible custom bleaching trays that fit snuggly over your teeth. We’ll give you instructions and and 10 syringe kit to take home. This procedure works very well and we’ve seen some great results.